Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Christian Responsiblity to Vote

[This is a speech I gave a number of months ago. While it is dated, I think it is still applicable in the SQ.]

Speech: Christian Responsibilities to vote

Recently, Dr. James Dobson said in an interview on The Laura Ingraham Show : " I simply will not cast a ballot for president for the first time in my life. " (this is from Citizen link an outbranch of Focus on the Family)

Mr. Dobson went on to say in the interview how he has been disappointed by Republican and Democrat candidates.. While I recognize that Dobson's statement does not reflect the opinions of Focus on the Family, he is still a strong voice that is listened to by the Christian and non-Christian community alike. I feel that this particular issue needs to be addressed. Therefore in my speech I will persuasively present that it is the Christian's responsibility to vote. IN this speech I will have three points 1) one vote is significant. 2) that there are Biblical guidleines 3) our further responsibilities after voting..

1) Statement: "my vote won't matter....its' just one".

This is a statement heard by and said by many. Therefore is significant issue that needs to be addressed.

The territory of Texas became a state of the Union in 1845 by one vote. (source: facts of one vote.) Texas was admitted later that year as out 28th state.

As a woman new voter, I am greatly indebted to the efforts made by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony. These women as you well know are or were women suffragists or they believe that women had the capability and duty to vote. But their dream did not become a reality until 1920. You see, in 1920 Congress met convened drafted and accepted an amendment that allowed women the right and responsibility to vote. As laid out in the Constitution, the President signed this bill and then it went to the state legislatures to be accepted. Remember that significant have to accept the proposal for this to become an amendment.. The pivotal state in this process was Tennessee.

(Paraphrased from: "August 26,1920" by Jone Johnson Lewis)

One young legislator, 24 year old Harry Burn, had voted with the anti-suffrage forces to that time. But his mother had urged that he vote for the amendment and for suffrage. When he saw that the vote was very close, and with his anti-suffrage vote would be tied 48 to 48, he decided to vote as his mother had urged him: for the right of women to vote. And so on August 18, 1920, Tennessee became the 36th and deciding state to ratify.

Except that the anti-suffrage forces used parliamentary maneuvers to delay, trying to convert some of the pro-suffrage votes to their side. But eventually their tactics failed, and the governor sent the required notification of the ratification to Washington, D.C.

And so on August 26, 1920, the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution became law, and women could vote in the fall elections, including in the Presidential election.

2) Biblical guidelines

The most often repeated comment I hear from Christian conservatives is "We're to be in the world but not of it". This is not a Scripture verse but an interpretation of Paul's letter to the Corinth church in 2 Cor. 10:1-5;&version=31;

Paul's Defense of His Ministry
1By the meekness and gentleness of Christ, I appeal to you—I, Paul, who am "timid" when face to face with you, but "bold" when away! 2I beg you that when I come I may not have to be as bold as I expect to be toward some people who think that we live by the standards of this world. 3For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

Lets look over this:

Verse 1-3 We are to boldly show that God's standard is NOT the world's standard. Instead we are to show that by being to the world the difference such as the fruit of the Spirit love, joy, peace. etc.,

Verse 4 "The weapons we Fight with are not the weapons of the world." is voting or politics a worldly weapon? Can we honestly say that? As we see later in this speech there are guidelines for elected officials. We need to keep in mind that Scripture is not inconsistent but our interpretation maybe.

VERSE 5 "We demolish every argument and pretension that sets itself against the knowledge of God'. Please tell me How do you demolish arguments unless you are out there in the fray and actively opposing? How will those With meekness and gentleness of Christ! This is key, pivotal even because this again shows that we are not of this world. Because Christ is unlike anything this world has ever seen or known.

Are there Biblical guidelines or principles for elected officials?
Answer: absolutely!

Exodus 18:21 -
21"Furthermore, you shall select out of all the people able men who fear God, men of truth, those who hate dishonest gain; and you shall place these over them as leaders of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties and of tens.;&version=49;

First I would like to clarify one thing before we go on. able men= upright two legged creatures, homo sapeins. Thank you.

Clearly, the three qualifications are

1 fear God, might say fear of not only the moral law but the moral law giver.
2 men of truth, we might also say integrity.
3 hating unjust gain, might also give the words or label as one that hates that the evil get away things.

This is not just a guideline to be used for presidential elections solely. This is can be used for any election of any level.

While I was going through that verse you probably were evaluating the president scene and were thinking, "well, that eliminates candidate a, candidate b, candidate c, and candidate d...." This can be true however what we must always acknowledge that there is no perfect candidate. The truth is that there is no savior on Capital Hill. Our savior is on Calvary Hill. With the commandments to "Go out into all the world." we cannot ignore or excuse this responsibility away. There is not a perfect candidate but that does not excuse our privilege and duty to vote.

Now that we have discussed these two verses, let's do an attitude check. With the various black marks of the candidates, it is easy to think that that particular candidate does not deserve to be president etc.,

However, This is dangerous thinking; for the assumption is that person isn't good enough for my vote. This is a 'trait' called pride. Pride is mentioned in the Scriptures, as listed under the 7 deadly sins that the Lord hates.

Fear could be another reason we hesitate. This is another thing that we need to check. Why should we fear? Who is bigger fear of what might happen or the Lord who created all things? Do we eliminate fear or do we put it in its proper place? we put it in its proper place. It has been said that courage is properly placed fear. When we ask and accept Christs' peace, it comes down and cancels out that improperly placed fear and replaces it with the proper fear of Him. We have courage because our fear is not in the what man can do to me but the fear of our Maker.

C. our Christian further responsibilities beyond voting


We kinda already discussed this. If you have not registered to vote, there is a myriad of things on the internet or in the blue pages of your phonebook also has information on voting in and for your area.


Daniel was taken from his homeland and served as a counselor to the mighty corrupt king. but he didn't just serve one, or two corrupt kings, he served three. He served and showed the counter standard to the world. He did this in an ancient Eastern culture. Let me impress on you what this means. In that time anything that the king says goes.. Quite literally.. If you irritated the king or irritated one of his high ranking officials you were at the very least guaranteed life-long banishment or death. Yet, Daniel went on and prayed. In our free America and the 21 century, why should we shun this responsibility?

Even after we vote, we can and should continue to pray. Pray that the incoming presidente will have the hand of our Sovereign Lord on him/her. Pray for the country for the change and to respect the leader at least in his/her position.


In the gospel of Matthew our Lord's last words were "and I will be with you always, even to the ends of the earth". this is the unconditional promise from our Lord. There is no 'but', 'if' or 'what if', or' if only' this is a full blanketed statement that extends to every circumstance and situation. Just in case you missed it, voting is in that 'always' statement.


Today we have we've looked over three things in this speech. First we looked at a statement of "my vote won't matter...its' just one" and looked at the historical examples that proved the statement to be false. Then we looked at Biblical guidelines to take in consideration as we view the political horizon. We also talked about on the issue of 'perfect candidacy'. That there is no Savior on Capitol Hill but on Calvary Hill. The third point we had today, was our Christian responsiblities after and beyon voting which are prayer and remember God's promises. I would like to leave you today with just repeating that promise. "And lo, I will be with you always even to the ends of the earth." Always? Yeah. Any time? Nov 4, 2008 Any reason? Absolutely Always. Any where? in a voting booth near you. Vote!


  1. sorry folks about the gap on the pray issue (3b). For some reason it refuses to be loaded. Please allow me to apologize for any inconveince and frustration it might have caused you. Here is teh cut peice:

    My example here is from the OT a man named Daniel. Daniel was taken from his homeland and served as a counselor to the mighty corrupt king. but he didn't just serve one, or two corrupt kings, he served three. He served and showed the counter standard to the world. He did this in an ancient Eastern culture. Let me impress on you what this means. IN that time anything that the king says goes.. Quite literally.. If you irritated the king or irritated one of his high ranking officials you were at the very least guaranteed life-long banishment. Most of the time the consquence was a cruel death. Yet, Daniel went on and prayed. In our free America and the 21 priviliged century, why should we shun this responsibility?

  2. I love how often this blog is updated sis!

  3. Thank you Bro Seth! :P You're one to talk.. Posting will come quite sporadic. Posting largely depend on school schedule and my interest to enter something here. Sometimes I just don't have the energy. *sigh*
