Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How can man be made in the image of God, if God is a spirit? ( Intro)

In any given election, there will be an off hand comment that a candidate has "good image". This image may be based off of looks or good policy decisions, good word choice etc. This isn't just for politicians potential or otherwise. Image is also essential for advertising. All advertisements give this image of a great life if you buy your product. Everyday we worry about if we do something that people will think badly of us. It seems to be a common and continuing quest. Something that unfortunately continues after middle school. But what does that look like with the God (Supreme Being) and man? Rather, How can man be made in the image of God, if God is a spirit? (Unless otherwise noted, man refers to mankind that includes both male and female.) In this essay, I will discuss what does the word “image” mean Biblically, compare image with the word likeness and finally try to answer the image distinction of physical versus spirit. After I present my view, I will bring up some objections to this view and answer. Because this is a Christian concept the evidence for the majority of this paper will come from Scripture in order to accurately give a reason.

Two Early Jewish Views: Recommended Reading

Klinghoffer and MacDowell I either have in my personal library or I got from my public library. You can also check Amazon if you want to have a personal and permanent copy. As of yet, I have not found a full text google book copy.

Why the Jews Rejected Jesus by Klinghoffer

Evidence that Demands a Verdict by Josh MacDowell

The Complete Works of Flavius Josephus
(I believe I have this in my google library)